Indie TTRPG of the Week

Legacy 2e, Life among the Ruins


In honor of Fallout London's successful release

Touchstones: Fallout, Mad Max, general post-apocalypse media

Genre: Sci-fi, Post apocalypse

What is this game?: Legacy life among the ruins is a game about taking control of a faction of people, rather than individual players

How's the gameplay?: Legacy has each player take control of a different faction in the map, then they work together to add small bits of the map according to their faction, for example a faction of merchants might have a specific trading hub, or a group of crash landed aliens could have an ancient alien temple they built millennia ago. Gameplay is split between wide scale faction-based conflicts and interpersonal character conflicts, with the game zooming in and out according to what the players find most appropriate. Factions and individual characters both have playbooks, although they're totally different types of playbooks.

What's the setting (If any) like?: Legacy Life among the Ruins has a vague post-apocalyptic setting, however some setting books have been made that can take players to cryosleep spaceships that were turned off before their time, medieval city states released from an evil empire, the dawn of intelligent species, and even a castlevania inspired cursed city

What's the tone?: Player-dependent, Legacy has books for both a dire apocalypse that you cannot escape from, and a hopeful rebuilding of a dead world

Session length: Fairly long, 4 hours is realistic

Number of Players: Due to the amount of stuff at play, I recommend keeping it on the lower end, 3 players not including GM is recommended

Malleability: Most of the settings in Legacy are kinda generic, they'll give you vague concepts and let you fill out the rest

Resources: A bunch of setting books are available, I swear I've seen a google sheet before too, but its not the most complex game, it doesn't really need too many resources

Legacy is one of my personal faves, while its not what a lot of people are looking for, it works perfectly for what its made to be