Indie TTRPG of the Week

Fabula Ultima

Fabula Ultima

For extra immersion points, roll random verbs on a dictionary when titling your campaign


Touchstones: Final Fantasy, Xenoblade, Dragon Quest

What is this game?: Fabula Ultima is a TTRPG that aims to port the experience of playing a JRPG without being overbearing

How's the gameplay?: Fabula Ultima's gameplay uses assigning dice to your stats, then choosing two of your stats to check on something, for example if my character were to bust down a door, that might be a Might + Dexterity, and my character has a D10 and a D12 on those stats, so they roll a D10 and a D12 and add the results together! The actually interesting part of Fabula comes in character creation, a character is obligated to start with 2 classes, with a max of 3. Classes go up to level 10, and characters cap off at 50, meaning you'll have a maximum of 5 classes on a level 5-50 game, Characters can only have 3 classes that aren't level 10 at a time, so you need to master a class before picking up a new one. Fabula also doesn't have a proper inventory system, instead players have inventory points which they spend as a resource to make and get potions and other items.

What's the setting (If any) like?: Fabula is setting agnostic, but the setting is vaguely JRPG inspired, think Final Fantasy

What's the tone?: Fabula Ultima is a game about awesome heroes doing awesome things and fighting opression, it's hopeful, heroic, and epic

Session length: 2-4 hours is realistic

Number of Players: 4-6 players is the Azzy Recommendation

Malleability: Fabula is as said above, setting agnostic, basically any setting with magic will work

Resources: Fabula has a google sheet, a bunch of supplements to help in making Sci-Fi and High Fantasy games, and a character builder, though that last one is only in Italian

I really love fabula, its up there as one of my faves, its perfect in what it aims to do, and it doesn't try to do anything more, and sometimes thats all you need